Add members to workspaces on Enterprise Grid

Who can use this feature?
  • Workspace owners/admins and org owners/admins
  • Available on the Enterprise Grid subscription

When it comes to adding members to a workspace in an Enterprise Grid organisation, you have two options to choose from:

Tip: Workspace owners and workspace admins can add a member of their org to a workspace by inviting them. Once the invitation has been sent, the member will automatically be added to the workspace.

Add members from your organisation

  1. From your desktop, click your organisation name in the sidebar.
  2. Hover over Tools & settings from the menu, then click Organisation settings
  3. From the left sidebar, click  Organisation
  4. Click on workspaces, then search for and select the workspace that you want to add members to.
  5. From the Members section, click on Add members.
  6. Select the members that you’d like to add, and click Add to workspace. You can choose multiple members at once or add each one individually.

Add groups from your IDP

  1. From your desktop, click your organisation name in the sidebar.
  2. Hover over Tools & settings from the menu, then click Organisation settings
  3. From the left sidebar, click  Organisation
  4. Click Workspaces, then search for and select the workspace that you’d like to add members to.
  5. Click on IDP groups, then click on Connect IDP groups.
  6. Search for groups to Connect to workspace. You can select multiple groups to add at once or connect each group individually. 

Tip: You can connect identity provider groups to workspaces and channels in your Enterprise Grid org from the org dashboard.

Add a guest to your workspace

Workspace owners and workspace admins can invite guests to individual workspaces to participate in work happening within your organisation.  

Note: In the future, it will be possible to invite and manage guest accounts through your organisation dashboard. Please stay tuned!