Manage workspace creation requests on Enterprise Grid

Who can use this feature?
  • Org owners and org admins
  • Available on the Enterprise Grid subscription

Manage workspace creation on your organisation by requiring members to request new ones. Once approved by either an org owner or org admin, the person that requested the new workspace will automatically become the workspace owner and can invite members to join. Here’s how:

  1. From your desktop, click your organisation name in the sidebar.
  2. Hover over Tools & settings, then click Organisation settings.
  3. From the left sidebar, click  Settings, then click Organisation info
  4. Next to Workspace creation requests, click Edit.
  5. Tick the box next to Enable workspace creation requests. Leave the box unticked if you don't want to allow members to request new workspaces on their own.
  6. Choose a channel where you'd like new requests to be sent. The channel type must be private and shared across your entire organisation.
  7. Click Save to finish. 

Tip: Make it easier to manage workspace creation requests across your organisation. Create a private multi-workspace channel and invite org owners and org admins who can help review the incoming requests.