Format your messages

Formatting helps add detail and clarity to your messages in Slack. You can use the formatting toolbar in the message field, or use markup and surround text with special characters. 

Formatting toolbar

Select the  text formatting icon or highlight the text that you’d like to format to choose an option. You can add multiple formatting options to the same text and see exactly how the message looks before you send it.

The Slack message field with different options in the formatting toolbar being selected

Tip: To start a new line, press ShiftEnter. If you like, you can adjust your preferences to start a new line with just the Enter key.


When using Slack on your desktop, you can also format your messages with markup.


Text formatted in bold Surround text with asterisks: 
*your text*
Text formatted in italics Surround text with underscores:
_your text_
Text formatted in strikethrough Surround text with tildes:
~your text~
Text formatted in code Surround text with backticks:
`your text`
Text formatted in blockquote Add an angled bracket in front of text:
>your text
Text formatted in code block  Add three backticks in front of text:
```your text
Text formatted in an ordered list Add 1 and a full stop, then press Space in front of text:
1. your text

To indent a line, press Tab
Text formatted in a bulleted list Add an asterisk, then press Space in front of text:
* your text

To indent a line, press Tab

Tip: If you prefer to always format your messages with markup, you can set a message formatting preference.

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