Use the #general channel to share announcements

Every Slack workspace has a #general channel, which is the only channel that members (but not guests) are automatically added to and are unable to leave. The #general channel works best when it’s used to share announcements with members of your workspace. Below are some tips to set up the #general channel for announcements.

Restrict who can post in the #general channel

By default, all members have permission to post messages in the #general channel. Owners and admins can restrict who can post in this channel, making it read-only for those who don’t have posting permission. This helps large announcement channels to stay on topic and free from distraction.

Rename the #general channel

Owners and admins can rename the #general channel to something more descriptive (such as #announcements or #notices) and set a channel topic and purpose so that members know the channel’s intended use.

Notify your workspace

For urgent announcements, people with permission to post in the #general channel can include @everyone in their message. This will trigger a notification for all members of your workspace so that no one misses an important update.

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