Download a list of members on unsupported app, OS and browser versions

To allow for innovation and keep customer data safe and secure, Slack updates its system requirements every six months in March and September. From the admin dashboard, you can export a list of members in your Enterprise Grid org who need to upgrade their app, OS or browser version to continue using Slack.

Tip: Learn more about our support lifecycle policy and see which versions will be unsupported soon.

Download a list of members

  1. From your desktop, click your workspace name in the sidebar.
  2. Select Tools & settings from the menu, then click Organisation settings.
  3. From the left sidebar, select Security, then select Security Settings.
  4. Next to Get a list of required updates, click Export CSV.

When your export is ready, you’ll receive a message from Slackbot with a CSV file that you can download to your computer.

Note: Large exports may take a few hours to process.

Who can use this feature?
  • Org owners and org admins
  • Available on the Enterprise Grid subscription

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