Request to export all conversations

With Slack data exports, owners and admins can export data from their workspace or Enterprise Grid organization. In addition to exporting data from public channels (available to Workspace Owners and Admins on any plan), Workspace and Org Owners on Slack’s Business+ and Enterprise Grid plans have a few additional options:

  • Business+ plan
    Workspace Owners can apply to access a self-service tool that allows them to export data from all channels and conversations in their workspace as needed and permitted by law. This type of export includes content from public channels, private channels, and direct messages (DMs).
  • Enterprise Grid plan
    Org Owners can request to access a self-service tool that allows them to export data from all channels and conversations in their Enterprise Grid org as needed and permitted by law. This type of export includes content from public channels, private channels, and DMs.

    Org Owners can also request to export data for a single user in their org, which includes all messages and files sent by that user in any conversation they’ve been a part of, as needed and permitted by law.

Apply to export data for all channels and conversations

Business+ plan

Enterprise Grid plan

  1. From your desktop, click your workspace name in the sidebar.
  2. Select Tools & settings from the menu, then click Workspace settings.
  3. Click Import/Export Data in the top right.
  4. Click the Export tab.
  5. Click the submit an application link.

Request to export data from all channels and conversations

Org Owners can contact our Support team to request access to a self-service tool that allows them to export data from all channels and conversations in their org. This type of export includes content from public channels, private channels, and DMs.

Request to export data for a single user

Org Owners can contact our Support team to request to export data for a single user in their org, including all the messages and files sent by that user in any conversation they’ve been a part of.

Note: Applications are reviewed in the order they’re received. Once an application is submitted, our Support team will review it within a couple of business days.

Who can use this feature?
  • Workspace Owners and Org Owners
  • Business+ and Enterprise Grid plans

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