Delete a workspace

Only the Primary Owner of a workspace can delete it. If you're not the person in this role, contact your Primary Owner for help.

Tip: Need to change your workspace's name or URL? There's no need to delete your workspace — you can change either of these from Settings & Permissions under Workspace Name & URL.

Delete a workspace

Deleting a workspace is permanent, so make sure to proceed with care. Messages and files cannot be retrieved after your workspace is deleted, so we recommend exporting your workspace data first.

  1. From your desktop, click your workspace name in the sidebar.
  2. Click Tools & settings, then select Workspace settings.
  3. Scroll down to Delete Workspace.
  4. Click Delete Workspace.
  5. Check the box to confirm you want to delete the workspace.
  6. Enter your Slack account password and click Yes, delete my workspace.

Note: If you sign in to Slack with single sign-on (SSO) and forgot your Slack password, you can reset it. If you didn't set a password when you signed up for Slack, request a password reset to add one to your account.

Who can use this feature?
  • Only the Workspace Primary Owner can delete a workspace
  • Available on all plans

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