Manage single sign-on settings

Who can use this feature?
  • Workspace Owners and Org Owners
  • Available on paid plans

Workspace Owners and Org Owners can enable single sign-on (SSO) as an extra layer of security for their organization. Depending on your Slack plan, there are a few different settings you can configure for your SSO setup.

Note: Learn how to set up SSO with SAML single sign-on and Google Workspace single sign-on

Access SSO settings

  1. From your desktop, click your workspace name in the sidebar.
  2. Select Tools & settings from the menu, then click Workspace settings.
  3. Click the Authentication tab, then Configure. If you already have SSO turned on, press Change Settings. You may be asked to authenticate.
  4. Click Expand next to Settings to manage any of the following:
    • Sync user profiles
    • Allow members to change their email address
    • Allow members to change their display name
    • Choose who must use SSO
  1. From your desktop, click your workspace name in the sidebar.
  2. Select Tools & settings from the menu, then click Workspace settings.
  3. Click the Authentication tab, then Configure. If you already have SSO turned on, press Change Settings. You may be asked to authenticate.
  4. Click Expand next to Settings to manage any of the following:
    • Sync user profiles
    • Allow members to change their email address
    • Allow members to change their display name
    • Choose who must use SSO
    • Customize the sign-in button label

Org Owners can enable and manage SSO for their Grid org. Org Admins can only exclude members from SSO sign-in. 

  1. From your desktop, click your workspace name in the sidebar.
  2. Select Tools & settings from the menu, then click Organization settings
  3. From the left sidebar, select  Security.
  4. Click SSO Settings.
  5. Under For the organization, manage any of the following:
    • Allow Org Owners, guests, or specific members to bypass SSO sign-in*
    • Sync user profiles
    • Allow users to change their email address
    • Allow users to change their display name

*Enabling this setting will affect the sign-in and invite pages for your org.

Note: If you're unable to sign in with SSO due to upstream issues with your provider, contact our Support team for help.

Edit or delete SSO configurations 

    1. From your desktop, click your workspace name in the sidebar.
    2. Select Tools & settings from the menu, then click Organization settings
    3. From the left sidebar, select  Security.
    4. Click SSO Settings.
    5. To edit or delete existing SSO configurations, click Edit Configuration or Delete next to the configuration of your choice.

Note: Deleting an SSO configuration will sign out all members who have signed in to Slack with this identity provider. 

Additional security preferences

Whether or not you use SSO, there are other security options you can use to secure your workspace: