Manage workspace access on Enterprise Grid

Who can use this feature?
  • Workspace Owners
  • Available on the Enterprise Grid plan

If you manage an Enterprise Grid organization, you can control how members find and join your workspace.

Choose the right level of access:

  • Open
    Anyone in your organization can view and join the workspace.
  • By Request
    Any org member can request to join the workspace.
  • Invite Only
    Any org member can be invited to join (may require Workspace Owner/Admin approval) or added to the workspace (by an Org Owner/Admin).
  • Hidden
    Members cannot view the workspace and must be invited to join (by a Workspace Owner/Admin) or added (by an Org Owner/Admin). 

Note: Members can invite other org members into the workspace when the preference to allow members to send invitations is enabled. 

Tip: Members can read Join or leave workspaces on an Enterprise Grid org for more details.

Set your access preference

  1. From your desktop, click your workspace name in the sidebar.
  2. Hover over Tools & settings, then click Workspace settings. (If you manage more than one workspace, choose one from the drop-down menu.)
  3. Next to Workspace Access, click Expand.
  4. Choose how people can find and join the workspace. 
  5. Click Save.

Tip: Add a description about your workspace to help org members to find the right ones to join. From Workspace settings, click Change Workspace Info.

Approve a request to join

Requests to join your workspace will appear in a channel of your choosing.

Any person in that channel can approve the new request. To approve or deny it, click Add to Workspace or Don't Add to Workspace.